
Surprising nutrition tips for spring

Strawberries and asparagus in baskets

Spring is the time for growth — including personal growth. Time to clean up your comfort food-nomming eating habits from winter and replace them with some new spring habits.

your eating habits

While you’re spring-cleaning the rest of your house, don’t forget the kitchen, cupboard and fridge. The best way to get healthy is to have plenty of good food available. We won’t make you throw out all the junk food (everyone needs a little treat now and again), but we'll help you get the advantage when it comes to eating right. What makes the following nutrition tips so surprising? They take you back to the basics -- and they work.

Step 1: Stock up on spring super-fruits and vegetables

Superfoods are all the rage in the nutrition world, but many of the veggies we all know and love are just as super as acai. Buying seasonal vegetables has the bonus of making sure they’re at their peak, when they’re packing the most nutrients they can. We recommend buying them from the farmers' market so you know exactly how they’re grown (or more importantly, how they’re not grown — with crazy chemicals in unnatural circumstances).

On your next shopping trip, pick up these spring powerhouses.

VegetablesGreen peas: Filled with vitamin C and thiamin, green peas help allergy sufferers and help ward off depression.Artichokes: Skip the can and learn to cook them fresh, because artichokes contain cynarin and a probiotic called inulin. They help with digestion and actually make other foods taste better by stimulating your taste buds.Asparagus: Packed with vitamin K, vitamin A, protein and folate, this spring green helps transport calcium to your bones and boosts your immune system.Fava beans: High in fiber, iron and protein, these oft-overlooked beans work to lower your cholesterol and (bonus!) stimulate sexual desire.Lettuce: Think anything but iceberg here! Different kinds of lettuce are all chock-full of antioxidants and come in a variety of colors that will make your salad more appealing (and tastier).Arugula: A great addition to salads because of its peppery flavor, arugula is a source of magnesium, which helps strengthen bones, keeps your immune system going strong and aids in muscular health.Radishes: Eaten with broccoli, they work together to ward off cancer. They’re also a great source of vitamin C in their own right. The leaves are also edible and may be even better for you, with even more vitamin C, calcium and protein.Green onions: Also called scallions or spring onions, these little guys are packed with an antioxidant that lowers your blood pressure and reduces your risk of heart disease. They also act like an antihistamine, which is great for people with allergies.Spinach: Popeye would be proud. This leafy green is an unexpected source of vitamin C, as well as folate, betaine, lutein and zeaxanthin. It helps ward off age-related eyesight issues, gives you more energy for exercise and boosts your immune system.Spring squash: The nutritional properties of squash depend on what kind you get, but they’re all packed with bonuses. Plain old yellow squash has vitamin C, folate, beta carotene, calcium and all 10 of the amino acids your body needs but doesn't produce.

FruitsStrawberries: Packed with fiber and vitamin C, strawberries protect your heart and increase good cholesterol. They also lower your blood pressure and help ward off cancer.Sweet cherries: Cherries are high in potassium, antioxidants and fiber, but lower in calories than many fruits. But eat them whole instead of in a pie, where you’ll add unnecessary sugar to the mix.Apricots: Beta carotene, potassium, fiber and vitamin C make apricots an excellent choice for spring. They help prevent heart disease and are great for your eyesight, and even lower in calories than cherries. (Feel free to enjoy them dried, though they do have more carbs that way.)Berries: Berries of any kind are loaded with antioxidants. The other benefits vary from fruit to fruit, so enjoy as many varieties as you can.

While just about any seasonal fruit is better for you than cake or cookies, research before you buy to stick with those that have a lower sugar content.

Step 2: Eat leaner meats

There’s nothing wrong with a little red meat in your diet, but most of us get too much. Cut down to red meat once a week (and keep your portions in control — a serving size is about the size of a deck of cards). Look for fish and chicken instead.

If you’re worried about mercury in your diet from sea creatures, opt for “light” tuna over “white” tuna. White tuna is albacore, which is larger and older when caught, so it’s had more time to accumulate mercury (three times as much)!

When selecting your cuts of chicken, don’t automatically go for white meat. While it’s true that white meat has fewer calories, it also has less iron, zinc, thiamine, riboflavin and vitamins B6 and B12. And as any chef will tell you, it also has more flavor!

If you’re just craving beef, avoid the drive-through and make it at home. Choose cuts with the least amount of visible marbling (fat). The leanest cuts are top sirloin steak, top and bottom roast or steak, eye of round roast or steak, and sirloin tip side steak.

Limit your consumption of organ meat, though, to no more than once a month. Things like liver are packed with cholesterol. If you’re going to eat it, do it on your cheat day and go for gold — fry it up and enjoy, then be extra-good next week.

Step 3: Eliminate overprocessed breads


White bread, even enriched white bread, is only made with one of the three nutritious parts of the wheat berry, the endosperm. That means a lot of the nutrient heavyweights, like fiber, vitamins B6 and E, zinc, chromium, folic acid and magnesium are stripped out.

But don’t just grab for any “wheat” bread on the shelf. You’re looking for bread made with 100 percent whole grains (whole grain or stone-ground, not enriched wheat flour). If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, skip it. It should have 120 calories or fewer, and 3 grams of fiber or more per slice.

Better yet, buy a bread machine and learn to make your own. Once you get the whole yeast thing down, it’s easier than you think! Just look for healthy recipes that don't contain white flour.

Step 4: Getting more healthy foods in your diet

We’re sure there were more than a few of the spring superfoods we listed you just don’t like. But there are several ways you can sneak them into your diet.

Use spaghetti squash instead of pasta and top it with a homemade tomato sauce with spinach and artichokes.Make a pesto using spinach, radish leaves and arugula, which is much more flavorful than the traditional pesto. Toss it with some whole-wheat pasta and a lean protein like shrimp or chicken.Make a puree of yellow squash and heat it with a few ounces each of sharp cheddar, jack cheese, ricotta (another surprising superfood), Parmesan and your favorite spices. Toss it with some tricolor pasta for a healthier mac and cheese.Make a salad of leafy greens, arugula, diced radishes, broccoli florets, green onions, fresh spinach, cooked artichoke hearts and fava beans, and top it with homemade strawberry or raspberry vinaigrette. No need for croutons; the radishes will provide plenty of crunch.Serve steamed asparagus with a dijon-based sauce instead of hollandaise, or steamed squash and red peppers tossed with low- or no-sodium seasoning alongside a lean cut of chicken topped with a broth-based mushroom sauce or marinated in just a touch of dark Mexican beer, low-sodium soy sauce and fresh lime juice.When you’re on the go, pack a snack of dried apricots and sunflower seeds to keep your energy up.Make a smoothie with frozen yogurt and a mix of berries, including strawberries.More nutritious tips

6 Super foods for your heart
Brain power: Eat to improve your memory
The anti-inflammatory diet: Eating foods to heal your body


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3 Naughty holiday drinks

Nothing Says Christmas Like A Sexy Sparkle!Growing up, being on the naughty list was a bad thing. It meant Santa was not going to bring you any presents. As you grow up, you learn that being naughty is far more fun than being nice, so whip up a few of these sassy cocktails for your holiday soiree. Being naughty has never been so much fun.

mistletoe marg

Enjoy a sexy cranberry sparkle or grab a glass of Santa's hot and dirty martinis for a sinful sip that's light and refreshing. Just watch out -- a few of these drinks may have you doing naughty things.

Mistletoe margarita recipe

Recipe adapted from The Food Channel

Serves about 2

Ingredients: 6 ounces tequila8 ounces pomegranate juice2 ounces sour mix2.5 ouncesorange liqueur (or triple sec)2 ounces cranberry juiceFresh orange zestGreen sprinkles for garnishCranberries for garnishIceDirections: 
    Place ice, juices, orange liqueur, sour mix and tequila in a blender. Blend on low until smooth.Dip a glass in water and then in the green sparkles to coat the rim. Pour the margarita into the glasses and enjoy!

Santa's hot and dirty martini

Santa's hot and dirty martini recipe

Recipe by Voli Vodka

Serves 2

Ingredients: 3 ounces Voli Lyte vodka1 ounce olive JuiceDash of Tabasco sauceOlives for garnishDirections: 
    Shake the vodka and olive juice together in a chilled martini mixer. Strain into a martini glass and serve with a dash of Tabasco sauce.

Sexy cranberry sparkle

Sexy cranberry sparkle recipe

Serves 2

Ingredients:4 ounces cranberry juice2 ounces vodka2 ounces ChampagneCranberries for garnishDirections:
    Mix juice and vodka together in a chilled martini mixer. Pour into a Champagne flute. Top with Champagne and garnish with cranberries.
More holiday cocktail recipes

Christmas cocktail recipes
Festive holiday cocktail recipes
Colorful cocktails for the holidays

Parenting with multiple sclerosis A mother's story

Orange ribbonUnderstanding multiple sclerosis
Rising to the challenge
and beyond

Being a parent is never an easy job, but adding the challenge of a debilitating disorder such as multiple sclerosis makes the days that much harder. Hear the inspiring story of how this mom is rising to the challenge.

March is National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness month. MS is a chronic disease that affects the brain and spinal column and is twice as likely to appear in women than men. According to the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, more than 2.5 million people around the world are living with MS. The symptoms take a toll on the body and can make keeping up with the busy lifestyle of a mom very difficult. SheKnows had a chance to talk with Tracy, the mother of a preschool girl; Tracy is living with MS. Tracy shares openly and honestly what life as a mother with MS is like.

SheKnows: When were you diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis?

Tracy: I was officially diagnosed in August 1999.

SK: What were your first symptoms?"An MS diagnosis is not a death sentence. Does it alter your life? Yes, but there is no reason why life can't be normal and fun."

T: My first symptom was in 1997. I had a grand mal seizure for no apparent reason that wiped out my short-term memory. Unfortunately, I was in graduate school, which meant that I no longer remember the majority of what I had learned, and despite my best efforts I had to take a medical leave of absence. I then worked with a therapist to improve my memory, got a job doing data entry and later went on to work as an administrative assistant for a firm in the legal field.

After that I was told I had a seizure disorder, began medication and went on with my life. I got married and one day woke up with severe vertigo. I had no idea what was wrong and went to numerous doctors. I eventually ended up at the neurologist, who said that he had thought I had MS, but he needed more than one relapse to officially diagnose me. We did a spinal tap, an MRI and I then started on Copaxone, which is a daily medication that I inject.

SK: What is the most challenging part about having MS?

T: Learning to live with the fact that there is no way to know when a relapse will occur.

SK: How does MS interfere with your daily life as a mom?

T: My daughter is very energetic and always want to play and do things with me. Often she can run faster than me, or she doesn't understand that I need to sleep a lot more than she does. She doesn't understand that I'm not the energy machine that she is and that I need relaxation time. She also doesn't understand the shot I give myself every day and has said that when she grows up she'd like to give herself a shot like I do. I tried to explain, but I don't think a 3-year-old really understands that doing a shot isn't a good thing.

Tracy, husband and daughterSK: Is there anything you would like people to know about MS?

T: An MS diagnosis is not a death sentence. Does it alter your life? Yes, but there is no reason why life can't be normal and fun. I'm in moms' clubs, I hike, bike ride, exercise and I worked until my daughter came along. By the way, we were unable to have biological children and we chose to adopt. My diagnosis with MS did not hold me back or stop me. I only stopped working because the thought of the long days combined with raising my daughter and running our household seemed overwhelming for not much money after day-care expenses.

Parenting with a chronic illness >>SK: What can others do to support a friend or relative with the disorder?

T: Have sympathy for their fatigue, since MS is not obvious. Unless someone's condition has gotten to the point where they are not independent, in a wheelchair, using a walker, etc., to the outsider the person looks perfectly normal and healthy. But their foot may be numb or they may have some other issue that is not obvious. Offer to run errands if they are house-bound because of a relapse. No one likes to have to beg for help, since with MS a plaque can occur anywhere and cause any number of things, ranging from vision loss and numbness to incontinence.

More on moms and health

Mom's balancing act: How to take better care of yourself
5 Fitness tips for busy moms
Happiness secrets for busy moms


DIY salad dressing tips

Step Away From The BottleAlthough store-bought salad dressings are convenient and tasty, nothing compares to homemade. Plus, making your own dressing can save you money and is often healthier. Learn how to make the best DIY salad dressings with these easy tips.

Skinny ranch and other DIY salad dressing tips

Even when you’re rushed to get dinner on the table, making your own salad dressing only takes a few extra minutes and can be tailored to your family’s tastes. You can make a big batch that you can easily use all week long.

Substitute yogurt

Creamy dressings like ranch are delicious, but are usually mayonnaise-based and high in calories. Lighten things up with nonfat Greek yogurt to create a satisfying but healthy dressing. Replace the mayonnaise with nonfat Greek yogurt and mix with buttermilk and herbs for a “skinny” ranch dressing (pictured above with chipotle for added flavor).

Check out this yogurt salad dressing recipe >>Texture

Ingredients can be added for flavor as well as texture. Add-ins like mustard, grated Parmesan cheese and even avocado can boost the taste of a dressing while also making it creamier in texture.

Shake well

One of the secrets to a great salad dressing is to shake well, which helps all the ingredients blend together, or emulsify. A simple vinaigrette can be shaken by hand in a cruet, while thicker dressings should be blended in a food processor until smooth.

Get creative

Another great way to make your DIY salad dressing stand out is to get international inspiration. Instead of the usual ingredients, try using tahini for a Middle Eastern feel or miso for Asian flare. Other great ingredients to try out in your dressings are sesame oil, lime juice, teriyaki sauce and chipotle peppers.

Get inspired with this miso salad dressing recipe >>Use herbs and spices

A simple vinaigrette consists solely of oil (usually olive oil) and an acid (such as vinegar or lemon juice). Use this as a base and build on it by adding your favorite herbs or spices to create an exciting new salad dressing. Dried herbs and spices like cumin, paprika and oregano can instantly give new character to a dressing. In the winter, fresh sage would be a lovely addition, while nothing says summer like fresh basil.

Basil vinaigrette and more DIY salad dressing tips

Basil vinaigrette recipe

Makes 1 cup

Ingredients:1 small bunch basil, roughly chopped3/4 cup olive oilJuice of 1 lemon1 tablespoon Dijon mustardSalt and pepperDirections:
    Put the basil, olive oil, lemon juice and mustard in the bowl of a food processor and pulse a few times. Process until fully combined.Season with salt and pepper.Serve immediately or store in a cruet in the refrigerator for up to one week.
More DIY salad dressing ideas

Avocado, lemon and pepper salad dressing
Honey mustard citrus salad dressing
Pink grapefruit salad dressing


Stuffed cabbage recipe

Stuffed cabbage

We pulled stuffed cabbage out of its 1970s rut and gave it a modern day makeover with bold flavors. Garlic, allspice and the unexpected use of Granny Smith apples add sweetness and tang to this otherwise dull and boring dinner.

take out the "stuffy"Stuffed cabbage recipe

Serves 6

Ingredients:2 quarts chicken stock1 head green cabbage, cored2 tablespoons unsalted butter1 medium onion, minced2 garlic cloves, finely chopped2 cups cooked brown rice1/4 teaspoon kosher salt12 ounces ground pork1 tablespoon ground allspice1 tablespoon minced fresh Italian (flat-leaf) parsley1 medium green pepper, seeded and minced2 stalks celery, minced4 cups tomato puree2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and chopped1/2 cup sour cream, plus more for garnishDirections:
    In a large nonreactive stockpot, bring chicken stock to boiling. Add cabbage, cook two to three minutes or until outer leaves are bright green and tender. Lift cabbage from stock, and remove outer leaves. Return cabbage to stock; repeat until all leaves are cooked. Reserve two cups cabbage cooking stock. Using a paring knife, remove any thick veins from the middle of each leaf.In a medium skillet, melt butter over medium heat until foaming. Add onion and garlic, and cook until translucent, about four minutes. Remove from heat, let stand five minutes. In a large bowl, combine onion mixture, rice, salt, beef, pork, parsley, green pepper and celery until well mixed.Add 1/2 cup rice filling to one cabbage leaf. Fold sides of cabbage over filling, and, starting with the stem end, roll the cabbage up like a burrito. Repeat with remaining leaves and filling.Line a 5-quart Dutch oven with parchment paper. Transfer stuffed cabbage leaves to Dutch oven.In a large bowl, combine tomato puree, apples and reserved cabbage stock; pour over cabbage leaves. Bring to boiling, reduce to a simmer. Cook one hour or until cabbage is fork-tender.Remove cabbage from Dutch oven; transfer to a serving platter. Whisk sour cream into pan juices and pour over stuffed cabbage. Serve warm with additional sour cream.
More St. Patrick's Day recipes

7 Lucky St. Patrick's Day cocktails
St. Patrick's Day dessert recipes
Low-carb St. Patrick's Day recipes


On-the-go snack essentials

8 Healthy
Portable SnacksKeep these healthy grab-and-go snack essentials in your pantry, car, purse or desk, and you'll never have to hit the vending machines and convenience stores. Buy them as pre-portioned snacks, or save money and bag them yourself.

Woman snacking on apple

1Trail mix

Sure, you can buy trail mix already made up, but that's no fun. You and your kids can come up with an endless variety of trail mix concoctions tailored to suit each picky eater and filled with energy-boosting foods such as sunflower seeds, nuts, dark chocolate pieces, raisins, dried cranberries, pretzel bits, popcorn, cinnamon-flavored cereal and more.

Health: 9 More good-for-moms snack ideas >>

2Fresh fruit

It doesn't get any easier than this. No matter where you're headed, you can tote apples, pears, bananas, grapes or any of your beloved fruits or berries. Most fruits come in their own containers, so to speak, but even modified fruits (think delicious applesauce) are available in portable, ready-to-eat versions.

Read more: Fun ways to make fruit kid-friendly >>   

3Dried fruit

Dried fruit, from tart to sweet, is an easy, portable way to get a good daily dose of vitamin C. It's even more portable than its fresh fruit counterpart -- and it won't spoil.

Crafts: What you can make with dried fruits >> 

4Beef jerky

Buy this delicious dried meat at the grocery store, or prepare your own with a dehydrator. Beef jerky provides a slew of nutrients, including protein, B vitamins and iron.

Recipe: Homemade beef jerky with lemon pepper and soy sauce >>

5Nuts and seeds

A handful of peanuts or sunflower seeds provides heart-healthy fats, dietary fiber and protein, as well as antioxidants, vitamin E and selenium. While sugary snacks leave you feeling sluggish, protein-packed nuts help you feel re-energized. Good choices include almonds, walnuts, cashews, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, peanuts and sunflower seeds.

Beauty: Find out which nuts enhance the skin >>

6Granola bars

With whole grains and fiber, granola bars are a satisfying, natural appetite quencher. Look for healthy low-sugar, low-calorie bars (or create your own) for a snack that provides fiber, antioxidants, protein and minerals.

Recipe: Healthy homemade granola bars >>


Eat yogurt-covered raisins or yogurt in a tube. The good bacteria will enhance your digestive system, and you'll enjoy a nice boost of protein and calcium. It's easier to digest than milk and comes in a wide variety of flavors, textures and packaging for your whole family to enjoy.

Hair care: Homemade yogurt mask for the hair >>


Speaking of calcium, don't forget the cheese. Cut up a few blocks, pick up some low-cal wedges, or go with kid-favorite string cheese, all of which go great with many of the on-the-go snacks listed above.

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Planning meals on the go
Satisfying snack ideas
Celebrity snacks